Our LogExport tool provides you with the proper text file log required for SoundExchange and TritonWebcast Metrics. This includes FTP access to your log files.
Streaming access logs are provided in a specific format, outlined by NPR Digital Services:
- File type: tab delimited .txt
- Do not combine logs
- Separate files for each stream
- Columns (in order):
- IP address (#.#.#.#; Do NOT include port numbers (
- Date listener tuned in (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Time listener tuned in (HH:MM:SS; 24-hour military time; UTC time zone)
- Stream ID (No spaces)
- Duration of listening (Seconds)
- HTTP Status Code
- Referrer/Client Player
If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team through the ticket submission form or by emailing us at [email protected].