How to export analytics for a single Podcast show

If reports are for a short period of time (under 1 year, for example):

  1. Select the On Demand section from the left menu
  2. Select Reports
  3. Optional select shows or episodes, daily, weekly or monthly, and countries if necessary
  4. Once you are satisfied with the result you see in the browser, click on Export to CSV near the menu

If reports are for a long period of time (over 1 year In our case):

  1. Go to Email reports and create a new email report, select the desired name, and type Podcaster-stats. If the podcast and period it is too long, we should also check to receive an e-mail notification when the report finishes. This option will also send the report via email when it is finished but also make it available in the Analytics & Reporting Manager interface for download.
  2. In the next step, you can select the DimensionsMetricsStart date, and End date as required and CountriesRegionsPlatforms, and Devices as optional parameters.
  3. Save and run.