Adding an external stream allows you to take advantage of SoundStack Console's monitoring features for an externally hosted (non-SoundStack Console managed) stream. 

We currently support monitoring of external streams that are hosted by the AdsWizz AIS Standalone streaming server. This can be configured through the following steps:

1. Log into the Publishers page of the SoundStack Console here

2. Select the Publisher for which the External Stream will be associated with

3. Click the Create button, and select External stream 

4. Select the resource type. See our forthcoming Ingests and Egresses help article for a detailed description

5. Enter a name for your external stream

6. Enter your stream username and password. This is the admin username and password set in your AIS configuration file

7. For "stream URL", enter the URL where the stream can be listened to

8. In the "Monitoring page URL" field, enter the URL of your AIS monitoring page in the following format: http://serverurl:monitoringport/monitoring/metadata/mountpoint

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team through the ticket submission form or by emailing us at [email protected].